Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Becoming a Real Estate Agent

You can become a real estate agent in most any state if you are not a wanted felon and if you can sit through a week or two's worth of classes. But I have a question for you;

Are you capable of putting the interest of your client ahead of your best interests?

Seriously. I've heard agents say things like "I need the commission check" or "I have to make this go through no matter what" or even worse "If I don't' know about's okay." The last is usually a precursor to allowing mortgage fraud to happen.

This is a humbling business. There are times when I'm on top of the world. Earn $23,400 in one month and you'll think you have things going. Earn $0 in the next two months and you'll come crashing right back down to earth.
But here is the deal. It really isn't important how much you make. At least to the client. They have hired you to make sure they get the best deal possible whether buying or selling. They depend on you to advise them. And sometimes the best advice I can give is to not sell. To not buy. To not move forward. To cancel the contract. To walk away.

You can be sure it hurts to do it. The thoughts of my own well-being race through my head, too. But, and here is where personal ethics and will-power come in, the right thing to do is the right thing to do.

I always ask myself "How would I want to handle it if it were me?" The answer always becomes clear that way.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Want to be a real estate agent?

I stumbled across this post today. It's a must read for all prospective real estate agents.