Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Real Estate Broker's Perspective

Over the years since I first started this blog on what it's like to be a real estate agent my view has definitely changed.  When the blog started I was an agent working for myself, by myself.  Flash forward from 2008 until today and I've gone through many stages.

I first added an assistant; and then another.  Today my team consists of six individual real estate agents all working towards the same goal. And I am out of the day-to-day activities that generate the bulk of that real estate business.

Instead, I spend my days a licensed broker of Ad Astra Realty Property Management and the Team Leader of Keller Williams Realty, Olathe.  Now I have a real estate broker's perspective.

My job is filled with pain and joy each and every day.  I get to celebrate the successes of people who are literally making their real estate dreams come true while in the same building I watch the hopes of others fade before their very eyes. 

So why do some succeed and some fail?  Why do some capture glory and others walk away defeated?  We're going to talk more about this as the days comes.  I hope you'll join me.