Monday, February 5, 2007

Don't Mail Those Bills!

Here is something you are going to want to consider before taking the plunge into a real estate career. Do you have enough money to last until after your first close? That could be 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 or even 180 days away! Now it doesn't have to be. I received my first commission check after only 50 days in the business. True, I worked my but off, created a little luck and gave thanks to the man above! I had kids to feed and bills to pay....

Shortly after turning in my first contract my broker, the wise Randy Lindemuth, looked at me seriously and said "Don't mail your bills until I have given you your check."

Don't mail my bills? What did he mean?

If you have never been self-employed you'll quickly find out. Closings slip. They get delayed a day, or two. Heck, I had one that floundered around in an "undead" state for thirty-two days past the contractual closing date before we got that sucker put to rest. Most closings go off without a hitch. But even with proper planning, good communication and due diligence a closing can slip back or fall apart altogether without any fault of your own.

One time I had a closing at 11:00 am that same day. A call came in from the buyer's agent at 9:30 that day saying the closing was off. "Why?" was my only response. It seems the buyer had gone into work that morning and his employer had transferred him to Florida. "But I have a home closing later today" the man responded. And his employer said that they would refund his soon to be lost deposit and he could move to Florida and have a job or he could stay here and be unemployed.

So you see, don't mail those bills until your broker hands you your check!

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