Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Real Life Story!

I've written here before that you need to be careful how you spend you money as a real estate agent. Want an example?

I had 4 sides scheduled to close by March 30. (A side is a transaction. For instance, if I represent the buyer, that's one side. Both the buyer and seller, that's two sides.) Now I only have 1 side!

Two sides fell out because of extensive, and I mean extensive termite damage. Worst I've ever seen. The buyer went running and frankly he should have. The seller still hasn't adjusted to the situation even though I have been adamant as to what he should do. (Clients don't always listen or hear only what they want to hear.)

Another side fell out because the chimney needs rebuilding! Rebuilding! How often does that happen? (It may still be saved. But with each passing hour I'm sure the seller is thinking of just renting the property.)

So, now you see why you must be liquid and flexible in your funds as a real estate agent. We have the potential to make a lot of money. But we work very hard, work with many different personalities and are on the phone even when we don't want to be. It's all part of the profession.

And you can never forget when working with your clients that you are working for their benefit...not yours.

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